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Web Browsing

Runbear created a web browsing tool that gives your OpenAI Assistants access to a web browser, enabling utilize massive amounts of information.

Common Use Case

  • Generate content based on web search results, e.g., Sales Copy Generator
  • Create assistants that answer questions using web search results, e.g., "Who was the president of the US in 2023?"

⋯ And much more!

How to Use Web Browsing

The web browsing tool uses OpenAI Assistant's Function Calling tool.

  1. Open the OpenAI Assistants form.

  2. Click the "Add" button next to the "Functions" section.

  3. Copy and paste this function definition, then adjust the description fields to suit your requirements.

    "name": "plugbear_web_search",
    "description": "TODO: Describe the purpose of the function. e.g., Search a company",
    "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
    "query": {
    "type": "string",
    "description": "TODO: Describe the query string you want to inject. e.g., Company name"
    "required": [

    Ensure that the function name is plugbear_web_search.

  4. Click the "Save" button to add the function.

All done 🎉

Now, your assistants will utilize web search results when necessary.