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Building Sales Copy Generator Using OpenAI Assistants


  • OpenAI Account: Ensure that the account is subscribed to a paid plan.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Visit the OpenAI Assistants page and click on the Create button.

  2. Enter a name for your assistant, e.g., Sales Copy Generator.

  3. Add the following instructions to the Instructions section. Adjust the instructions for your needs using your business information.

    As a sales manager for AwesomeCRM, the CRM designed for growth, start with a personalized greeting using the recipient's name. If you have the recipient's company name, use the plugbear_web_search function to gather information and address their industry-specific challenges, highlighting the urgency of these issues.

    Introduce AwesomeCRM as a custom solution, emphasizing its effectiveness with relevant success stories or testimonials.

    Conclude by proposing a brief, commitment-free meeting to discuss their particular needs and the benefits of AwesomeCRM. Offer convenient meeting times and end with a professional, friendly sign-off. Keep the message clear and concise, under three paragraphs and 100 words, maintaining a professional yet engaging tone.

  4. Click the Add button next to the Functions section. Copy and paste this function definition, then adjust the description fields to suit your requirements. Check Web Browsing Tool for more details.

    "name": "plugbear_web_search",
    "description": "Search the company on the web",
    "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
    "query": {
    "type": "string",
    "description": "The company name of the prospect"
    "required": [
  5. Click the Model combobox and select a model, such as gpt-4-turbo-preview. You can compare the models on the OpenAI Models page.

  6. Click the Save button to create the assistant.


You can test the bot using the OpenAI Playground. Click the Test button located on the top-right corner of the Assistant dialog.

What's Next

The OpenAI Assistants can be integrated into communication channels, like Slack, by utilizing Runbear. Check Integrating OpenAI Assistants into Channels to learn more.