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Building a Article Summarizer Bot Using OpenAI Assistants


Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Visit OpenAI Assistants page and click on the Create button.

  2. Enter a name for your assistant, e.g. Article Summarizer.

  3. Add the following instruction to the Instructions section. You can adjust the instruction for your needs.

    Your role is to summarize articles clearly and concisely. Summarize the article into bullet points. Each bullet point should have less than 3 sentences. Use easy words and sentences. The total number of bullet points should generally be around 3-7.

  4. Click the Model combobox and select gpt-4-1106-preview.

  5. Click 'Add' button next to the 'Functions' section and paste the JSON below:


    This JSON defines a function that fetches website content from a URL. Check Web browsing of OpenAI Assistants to learn more.

    "name": "plugbear_web_search",
    "description": "It fetches the website content",
    "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
    "query": {
    "type": "string",
    "description": "URL of the article"
    "required": [
  6. Click the Save button to create the assistant.

What's Next

The OpenAI Assistant can be integrated into communication channels such as Slack by utilizing Runbear. Check Integrating OpenAI Assistants to learn more.