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HubSpot Integration Guide

Runbear is an intuitive no/low-code platform that seamlessly integrates Large Language Model (LLM) applications with your workspaces. With Runbear, embedding your LLM application's responses within HubSpot becomes a straightforward process, requiring only a few clicks.

Integration Walkthrough

Initial Configuration

  1. Login to your Runbear Account.

  2. Navigate to channel. Click the Connect button of the HubSpot tile. image

  3. Login to your HubSpot account.

  4. Select your HubSpot account. If you only have one HubSpot account this step will be skipped automatically.

  5. Review and approve the necessary scopes and permissions.

  6. Return to the Runbear dashboard, enter a name for the account in the Account Name field, and click the Add button.

    channel form
  7. Congratulations! The integration is complete. To create an LLM app to connect to HubSpot, follow the instructions provided here.

Disconnecting from HubSpot

  1. In Runbear, navigate to the 'Channels' section. Click the more options (…) button on the HubSpot module and choose Deactivate.
  2. To remove Runbear from your HubSpot setup, go to the HubSpot integrations settings by navigating through Settings > Integrations > Connected Apps within HubSpot, and then uninstall Runbear.