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How to build and install a branded Slack bot

Runbear is a no/low-code solution for connecting communication channels with LLM (Large Language Model) applications. For example, it enables the creation of a bot for Slack from an LLM app in just a few clicks.

How does it works?

The branded bot works just like default Slack integration, but you can customize the bot name, icon, and description and install it wherever you want.

Integration Walkthrough

Build Branded Bot

  1. Navigate to channels. Click the Branded Bots button of the Slack tile. Branded Bots button on Slack card
  2. On the bot management page, click the Build Bot button at the top.
  3. You need to create Slack's Configuration Token to create the bot. After creating it according to the on-screen instructions, enter the values in the input fields below and click Next button. (If you have previously created a token, this step is automatically skipped) Slack Configuration Token
  4. Customize the bot name, description and color as you like. Click the Next button. (Note: The bot icon can be changed on the next page)
  5. Follow the instructions on the page to enable Public Distribution and upload the bot icon. (The Public Distribution lets you install the bot on any Slack workspace)

Install the bot

Runbear provides an installation URL for the generated bot. You can install the bot created in Slack workspace with one click through this URL, and it will automatically connect to Runbear upon installation.

Immediately after building the app

If you have just completed the Build Branded Bot process, the following dialog will appear. You can click the Copy Installation Link button to copy the installation URL to your clipboard, or click the Install Now button to proceed with installation immediately.

Installation URL dialog

Installation URL for all created bots

You can view all created bots and their installation URLs on the bot management page. Click the Copy button on each bot to copy the installation URL to your clipboard.

Delete the bot

If you want to delete the bot, you can do so by clicking the Delete button on the bot management page. Once deleted, it cannot be restored, and it will be deleted from all Slack workspaces where the bot is installed, and all Runbear connections connected to the bot will also be deleted.